Ken & Lee Yen | Overseas bridal photography in London

Getting out of my comfort zone is really something that I’ve been working on since 2010.  Ask any photographers out there and they’ll tell you all the places that they like to do a shoot in.

If you ask me, London just happens to be one of those places that I had to step out of my comfort zone, and there’s a tendency to go back to the previous (and often touristy) sites.  When Ken and Lee Yen approached me to do a series in London, I actually sat down for a while to think about what more could I do in the location, trust me there are many photoshoots that are conducted there by other photographers from Singapore.

While the other part of me was drawn to this mystical charm of the busy city and for some strange reasons, someone showed me an image of Cannery Wharf underground station that really intrigued me.

I was attending the Master Photographers Association (UK) awards ceremony in Birmingham in Oct 2010, and just 10 days before I set off to UK, the job was confirmed.  I knew I had to do something more to make this worth my while, and now looking at the series that just made it as one of my featured portfolios, the rain and 6-degree cold that we endured in the morning of the photo shoot finally paid off!

Oh by the way, the lovely Cheong Sum is designed by renown gown designer, Tan Yoong.  Go check out this guy, he’s really one of the premier designers in Singapore.

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