Wedding photography tip of the day – Wedding dress = no touchie

One very useful tip of the day for everyone who likes to do wedding photography, either as a hobby or as a full-time job.  Do not touch the wedding dress…  no touchie, non, tak boleh!

So what’s the big deal with moving the wedding gown? Here are some incidents to share:

Incident #1

I know many videographers & cinematographers who are very passionate with their job, and one such bloke (no name mentioned)  took the wedding gown from the apartment to the ground floor for some video clips.  Being a very creative person, he took the gown and hung it on one of the trees by clothes hanger.  Beautiful golden sunlight that day, perfect for snippets that has lots of nice lens flare effects.  I greeted him from afar and went up to the bride’s apartment.

Minutes later, I heard the bride’s mother and bridesmaid screaming and yelling and to cut the long story short, the gown was blown against the tree trunk and part of it got soiled quite badly.  How badly? It was enough to ruin the bride’s big day and the videographer could only apologise profusely for it.

Incident #2

Read this over a professional forum where one bloke tried to emulate another famous photographer’s stun of hanging the wedding gown on a construction site scaffold.  He hung it behind a door frame and he probably thought hey, who’s going to work on Sunday at the construction site?  Half way through filming, two workers came out from there…  Cutting the long story short again, the gown got 2 boot marks on it on the front and part of the veil was torn.


Nightmarish isn’t it?  If these are not scary enough, think about how much some of these gowns cost.  Some of my clients pay as high as USD$13k for a gown , USD$2800 for a Cheong Sum (traditional Chinese gown) from labels like Tan Yoong or Vera Wang.  Would you want to be responsible for any mishap to them?

Bottom line is, unless you have telekinesis, leave that to the parents or the bridesmaid…(if it’s necessary for you to move the gown to a place to photograph it)

If you find this tip useful, please share it with your friends (you can tweet or share it on Facebook through this blog).   More tips to come soon! 🙂

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